Saturday, 30 June 2012

My Best of Day 1

Day 2

Today was our first "official" day in Teotitlan. We had our photography learning session taught by Sam and Tom Robinson at 9 a.m. We learned tips and tricks about aperture to help focus the image and really make it our own. They want to teach us to be "in control of the camera instead of the camera controlling us" because it's simple enough to set your camera on automatic and just click the button. We went on a walking tour of the village. Behind the church are ruins of the old Zapotec Temple (Zapotec is the indigenous culture here in Teotitlan de Valle) which are stunning. When the Spanish invaded Mexico and conquered the various villages, they would destroy the temples and use the remains to build churches. They believed that by using part of the old temple, the people would be more accepting of a new religion.
After meandering around the village a little more, we went on a tour at a candle maker's home. The candles were extraordinary and so detailed. We also got to see a demonstration of how to decorate the candles. It is unbelievable how much work goes into one candle! The demonstration also provided good photo opportunities.
After lunch we headed back to Las Granadas to rest and edit our photos to get ready to present our Best 10 photographs of the Day!  

I made a new friend today. Just came wondering in my room

Friday, 29 June 2012

One of the many goats that the woman owned at her house

Day 1

Today we explored the village of Teotilan Del Valle, which is where we are staying. We went to their marketplace that is open every morning. We also walked around the church where they are starting preparations for the festival and dances they are having next week. Everything is so beautiful and the people are very friendly. A lot of the women will invite you back to their house to see their work which is mostly rugs or bags made of wool. The woman below was showing us one of the plants that they make the natural dye from at her house. 

Polaroid that I took today to test out the new film. The colors aren't as vibrant as I would like but this new impossible film is much better! Can't wait to take more.

Bought this awesome bag today. It's all hand made with natural dyes. It is also all leather and wool!

Thursday, 28 June 2012

This is the Bed and Breakfast I am staying in. It's very small but has a pretty court yard with pomegranate trees.

picture from the plane


After a full day of traveling, I finally arrived Oaxaca. We are staying in a small town called at a B&B owned by a mother and daughter.